We expect every paper to be self-contained. However, if inclusion of supplementary material is absolutely essential, then the following options are available. Please note that readers may not access the supplementary material.
- Option#1: The authors can make the supplementary material directly accessible to the public (e.g., the supplementary material can be uploaded to a website or a public repository like ArXiv) and the camera-ready version of the paper should then cite this publicly accessible material. This is the preferred option.
- Option#2: The authors can submit supplementary files for inclusion in IEEE Xplore (only if the supplementary material is a multimedia file). Please carefully follow the instructions in the following URL to prepare the supplementary material and should update the camera-ready paper accordingly. The URL for the instructions is: https://www.ieee.org/documents/MMdocumentation.pdf. The supplemental materials should be submitted through CMT as a single ZIP file of 30 MB or less.